all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 6PD 20 1 53.977738 -1.099157
YO30 6PE 20 0 53.977582 -1.098733
YO30 6PF 6 0 53.978513 -1.097137
YO30 6PG 18 0 53.973431 -1.097756
YO30 6PH 1 0 53.973102 -1.096955
YO30 6PJ 11 0 53.977431 -1.097745
YO30 6PL 6 1 53.975717 -1.096883
YO30 6PN 43 0 53.973711 -1.096713
YO30 6PP 12 0 53.972047 -1.095331
YO30 6PQ 7 5 53.982307 -1.094813
YO30 6PR 47 0 53.970679 -1.096367
YO30 6PS 1 1 53.971069 -1.094453
YO30 6PU 8 0 53.970237 -1.096148
YO30 6PW 16 0 53.972142 -1.096091
YO30 6PX 8 0 53.970546 -1.095379
YO30 6PY 26 0 53.976781 -1.095061
YO30 6PZ 42 0 53.976392 -1.094657
YO30 6QA 6 0 53.976292 -1.09687
YO30 6QB 66 0 53.977871 -1.09647
YO30 6QD 15 0 53.977027 -1.096656