all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 1BH 12 0 53.967768 -1.061307
YO31 1BJ 38 0 53.968375 -1.059602
YO31 1BL 27 0 53.967639 -1.059756
YO31 1BN 7 0 53.969463 -1.059608
YO31 1BP 37 0 53.970637 -1.056883
YO31 1BQ 21 0 53.968443 -1.061399
YO31 1BR 46 0 53.968628 -1.058666
YO31 1BS 9 0 53.969734 -1.058733
YO31 1BT 35 0 53.969067 -1.057239
YO31 1BU 6 0 53.970014 -1.057705
YO31 1BW 9 0 53.971247 -1.060193
YO31 1BX 18 0 53.970462 -1.05521
YO31 1BY 35 0 53.969383 -1.056301
YO31 1BZ 10 0 53.969642 -1.054985
YO31 1DA 5 0 53.968958 -1.054863
YO31 1DB 4 0 53.968571 -1.054795
YO31 1DD 22 0 53.967797 -1.056917
YO31 1DE 5 0 53.96842 -1.056171
YO31 1DF 54 0 53.967558 -1.056236
YO31 1DG 20 0 53.966884 -1.058568