all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 1AF 15 0 53.966303 -1.057804
YO31 1AG 18 1 53.965993 -1.057277
YO31 1AH 27 0 53.965584 -1.055579
YO31 1AJ 35 0 53.965517 -1.055063
YO31 1AL 9 0 53.966433 -1.056063
YO31 1AN 15 1 53.967301 -1.054458
YO31 1AP 5 1 53.967002 -1.054206
YO31 1AQ 20 0 53.965668 -1.057087
YO31 1AR 9 0 53.966926 -1.053613
YO31 1AS 8 0 53.967086 -1.053396
YO31 1AT 34 0 53.968122 -1.053677
YO31 1AU 5 0 53.968324 -1.054283
YO31 1AX 12 0 53.969764 -1.054448
YO31 1AY 32 0 53.969938 -1.052645
YO31 1AZ 10 0 53.970457 -1.053487
YO31 1BA 3 0 53.966096 -1.055553
YO31 1BB 2 0 53.967652 -1.049932
YO31 1BD 3 0 53.96955 -1.057045
YO31 1BE 10 0 53.970489 -1.059859
YO31 1BG 1 1 53.967863 -1.063058