all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 0TG 20 0 53.961129 -1.052495
YO31 0TH 10 0 53.961202 -1.051502
YO31 0TJ 8 0 53.959961 -1.051469
YO31 0TP 24 0 53.963437 -1.063722
YO31 0TQ 15 0 53.961223 -1.051928
YO31 0TR 70 0 53.964251 -1.06445
YO31 0TS 2 0 53.964872 -1.063302
YO31 0TU 4 0 53.963657 -1.063153
YO31 0TX 30 0 53.96372 -1.061962
YO31 0TY 20 0 53.963631 -1.059815
YO31 0TZ 27 0 53.963086 -1.060239
YO31 0UA 17 4 53.962577 -1.059519
YO31 0UB 24 1 53.962245 -1.059551
YO31 0UD 22 0 53.961374 -1.059714
YO31 0UE 8 0 53.960011 -1.060119
YO31 0UF 12 0 53.960063 -1.059844
YO31 0UG 9 1 53.960286 -1.059601
YO31 0UH 14 0 53.962208 -1.061692
YO31 0UJ 15 0 53.962558 -1.061699
YO31 0UL 34 0 53.961551 -1.061661