all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 0UN 18 0 53.960863 -1.062209
YO31 0UP 32 0 53.961272 -1.065081
YO31 0UQ 34 0 53.961396 -1.060247
YO31 0UR 18 0 53.961625 -1.063076
YO31 0US 17 0 53.96163 -1.063655
YO31 0UT 6 2 53.962668 -1.063068
YO31 0UU 16 0 53.962177 -1.064664
YO31 0UW 47 0 53.960585 -1.063359
YO31 0UX 22 0 53.96252 -1.06487
YO31 0UY 9 0 53.962498 -1.065556
YO31 0UZ 20 0 53.961702 -1.064888
YO31 0WB 1 0 53.978217 -1.065373
YO31 0WY 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO31 0XA 23 0 53.962245 -1.06647
YO31 0XB 11 0 53.96307 -1.066199
YO31 0XD 11 0 53.963055 -1.065483
YO31 0XE 12 0 53.963731 -1.065697
YO31 0XF 15 0 53.964213 -1.066387
YO31 0XG 9 0 53.964154 -1.066907
YO31 0XH 22 0 53.964145 -1.065779