all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO32 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 5RT 0 54.036139 -1.045334
YO32 5RU 0 54.035902 -1.044881
YO32 5RW 0 54.034776 -1.044586
YO32 5RX 0 54.035136 -1.045622
YO32 5RY 0 54.035095 -1.04522
YO32 5RZ 0 54.03548 -1.042723
YO32 5SA 0 54.035747 -1.036747
YO32 5SB 1 54.025924 -1.041222
YO32 5SD 0 54.029874 -1.037386
YO32 5SE 0 54.023939 -1.041553
YO32 5SF 0 54.02289 -1.040676
YO32 5SG 0 54.022416 -1.040962
YO32 5SH 0 54.020629 -1.042361
YO32 5SJ 0 54.028463 -1.038502
YO32 5SL 0 54.028163 -1.038158
YO32 5SN 0 54.02761 -1.038598
YO32 5SP 0 54.028094 -1.035061
YO32 5SQ 0 54.022098 -1.041717
YO32 5SR 2 54.027137 -1.039067
YO32 5SS 0 54.028647 -1.034575