all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 5ST 0 54.029072 -1.039374
YO32 5SU 0 54.044586 -1.024966
YO32 5SW 1 54.025895 -1.041096
YO32 5SX 0 54.044941 -1.024377
YO32 5SY 0 54.044859 -1.023219
YO32 5SZ 0 54.045272 -1.023087
YO32 5TA 0 54.023203 -1.044887
YO32 5TB 1 54.027602 -1.041011
YO32 5TD 4 54.029607 -1.037713
YO32 5TE 0 54.032303 -1.035452
YO32 5TF 0 54.032622 -1.034926
YO32 5TG 0 54.027475 -1.041975
YO32 5TH 0 54.04566 -1.05346
YO32 5TJ 0 54.04896 -1.04115
YO32 5TL 4 54.049209 -1.035382
YO32 5TN 0 54.051717 -1.037497
YO32 5TP 0 54.058643 -1.050644
YO32 5TQ 0 54.038262 -1.045545
YO32 5TR 1 54.055369 -1.039165
YO32 5TS 0 54.057931 -1.040389