all postcodes in YO43 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO43 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO43 3AA 2 53.864188 -0.666012
YO43 3AB 0 53.862691 -0.664105
YO43 3AD 0 53.861491 -0.664539
YO43 3AQ 7 53.864104 -0.665915
YO43 3AF 3 53.8631 -0.664373
YO43 3AG 3 53.863148 -0.664706
YO43 3AH 17 53.864393 -0.665868
YO43 3AJ 9 53.864633 -0.667419
YO43 3AL 5 53.86472 -0.667173
YO43 3AN 5 53.864777 -0.668205
YO43 3AP 1 53.865147 -0.668346
YO43 3AR 1 53.864922 -0.669159
YO43 3AS 2 53.864937 -0.666436
YO43 3AT 0 53.865355 -0.666073
YO43 3AU 0 53.865216 -0.665697
YO43 3AW 10 53.864776 -0.667308
YO43 3AX 1 53.865899 -0.666451
YO43 3AY 0 53.866791 -0.667374
YO43 3AZ 3 53.865781 -0.668037
YO43 3BA 0 53.866609 -0.66725