all postcodes in YO60 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO60 7SG 0 54.049353 -0.944289
YO60 7SH 1 54.06112 -0.938368
YO60 7SJ 0 54.055463 -0.942143
YO60 7SQ 1 54.055968 -0.936101
YO60 7TE 2 54.078095 -0.956399
YO60 7TF 0 54.078212 -0.955403
YO60 7TG 3 54.076659 -0.956725
YO60 7TH 0 54.076783 -0.957502
YO60 7TJ 0 54.080498 -0.967298
YO60 7TL 0 54.084396 -0.975288
YO60 7TP 0 54.092235 -0.955631
YO60 7TQ 0 54.077025 -0.956498
YO60 7TW 1 54.100433 -0.963057
YO60 7YU 1 54.089293 -1.006219
YO60 7NA 0 54.077421 -0.845283
YO60 7QS 0 54.059032 -0.982803
YO60 7PA 1 0 54.055957 -0.886269
YO60 7NN 1 1 54.078412 -0.853092