all postcodes in YO60 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO60 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO60 7RB 0 54.038631 -0.96204
YO60 7RD 0 54.033427 -0.956795
YO60 7RE 2 54.029682 -0.962329
YO60 7RF 1 54.03216 -0.950603
YO60 7RG 1 54.039876 -0.972978
YO60 7RJ 1 54.053758 -0.965161
YO60 7RL 0 54.059666 -0.957269
YO60 7RN 0 54.055495 -0.96743
YO60 7RP 0 54.051411 -0.961849
YO60 7RR 0 54.051273 -0.962524
YO60 7RS 0 54.052231 -0.958895
YO60 7RT 0 54.049884 -0.95984
YO60 7RU 1 54.048474 -0.959952
YO60 7RW 0 54.05156 -0.96351
YO60 7RX 1 54.033987 -0.941655
YO60 7RY 0 54.036128 -0.936776
YO60 7RZ 0 54.033264 -0.9432
YO60 7SA 0 54.032348 -0.944292
YO60 7SD 1 54.031587 -0.940602
YO60 7SE 1 54.045922 -0.94263