all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 2RP 9 0 54.149842 -1.349598
YO61 2RQ 4 0 54.14906 -1.332134
YO61 2RR 2 0 54.14008 -1.36857
YO61 2RS 23 1 54.134347 -1.385516
YO61 2RT 2 0 54.134223 -1.386474
YO61 2RU 2 0 54.12398 -1.392317
YO61 2RW 1 1 54.15095 -1.356731
YO61 2RX 6 0 54.111826 -1.35833
YO61 2RY 7 0 54.118574 -1.355128
YO61 2RZ 4 0 54.120924 -1.358695
YO61 2SA 3 0 54.123138 -1.362777
YO61 2SB 4 1 54.126499 -1.342618
YO61 2SE 1 0 54.132915 -1.298357
YO61 2SF 1 0 54.148231 -1.379768