all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 2QN 4 0 54.126018 -1.32923
YO61 2QP 1 0 54.12192 -1.328706
YO61 2QQ 9 0 54.148118 -1.286894
YO61 2QR 2 0 54.117812 -1.325966
YO61 2QS 1 0 54.119085 -1.320062
YO61 2QT 2 0 54.108313 -1.324406
YO61 2QU 5 0 54.101553 -1.325288
YO61 2QX 3 0 54.096524 -1.327618
YO61 2QY 45 0 54.09312 -1.331778
YO61 2QZ 4 0 54.092467 -1.333463
YO61 2RA 3 0 54.092846 -1.308382
YO61 2RB 6 0 54.087967 -1.303892
YO61 2RD 6 0 54.101659 -1.309574
YO61 2RE 6 0 54.112804 -1.306528
YO61 2RF 3 1 54.12991 -1.311721
YO61 2RG 3 0 54.125992 -1.300424
YO61 2RH 9 0 54.136839 -1.341766
YO61 2RJ 2 0 54.14304 -1.347186
YO61 2RL 13 0 54.147283 -1.351766
YO61 2RN 12 0 54.14843 -1.352804