all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 4RE 2 0 54.144601 -1.098566
YO61 4RF 1 0 54.145363 -1.099304
YO61 4RG 2 0 54.144357 -1.099689
YO61 4RH 3 0 54.141414 -1.095196
YO61 4RJ 11 0 54.141236 -1.088311
YO61 4RL 8 0 54.142265 -1.089142
YO61 4RN 13 0 54.138375 -1.082354
YO61 4RP 5 0 54.143069 -1.104049
YO61 4RQ 11 0 54.143211 -1.099872
YO61 4RR 5 0 54.146962 -1.110288
YO61 4RS 4 0 54.141254 -1.105344
YO61 4RT 8 0 54.135794 -1.105711
YO61 4RW 5 0 54.133453 -1.090732
YO61 4SA 11 0 54.135788 -1.066926
YO61 4SB 5 0 54.127762 -1.063465
YO61 4SD 3 0 54.123884 -1.053744
YO61 4SE 20 0 54.121008 -1.038214
YO61 4SF 14 1 54.115605 -1.034397
YO61 4SG 23 0 54.131345 -1.043898
YO61 4SH 2 0 54.144036 -1.058792