all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 4SJ 15 1 54.150832 -1.082007
YO61 4SL 32 1 54.162354 -1.103438
YO61 4SW 2 0 54.155817 -1.09621
YO61 4SN 3 0 54.171734 -1.116303
YO61 4SP 2 0 54.148771 -1.087897
YO61 4SQ 9 0 54.133743 -1.040082
YO61 4TA 23 0 54.127773 -1.143406
YO61 4TB 39 1 54.128353 -1.140409
YO61 4TD 5 0 54.129456 -1.140412
YO61 4TE 23 1 54.126715 -1.142963
YO61 4TZ 11 1 54.126668 -1.145999
YO61 4TF 14 0 54.126501 -1.145314
YO61 4TG 6 0 54.123676 -1.141072
YO61 4TH 7 0 54.121069 -1.15378
YO61 4TJ 3 1 54.124861 -1.161353
YO61 4TL 5 0 54.123376 -1.17139
YO61 4TN 5 0 54.13137 -1.158141
YO61 4TP 3 0 54.13219 -1.150354
YO61 4TQ 6 0 54.123219 -1.136262
YO61 4TR 1 0 54.130304 -1.154418