all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO61 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 4TS 1 0 54.131356 -1.139184
YO61 4TT 10 0 54.137936 -1.129405
YO61 4TU 1 0 54.130798 -1.124198
YO61 4TW 1 0 54.137227 -1.158578
YO61 4TX 1 0 54.146607 -1.132744
YO61 4TY 3 0 54.128295 -1.139768
YO61 4UA 3 0 54.12933 -1.139038
YO61 4UB 1 0 54.126593 -1.144394
YO61 4UD 4 0 54.128131 -1.142021
YO61 4AR 1 0 54.223753 -1.194914