all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 5DY 33 0 54.245327 -1.058395
YO62 5DZ 5 0 54.244823 -1.060678
YO62 5EA 2 0 54.245179 -1.060589
YO62 5EB 5 3 54.239232 -1.074522
YO62 5ED 1 0 54.232436 -1.04701
YO62 5EE 1 0 54.228078 -1.06046
YO62 5EF 36 0 54.226012 -1.057163
YO62 5EG 6 0 54.226398 -1.055988
YO62 5EH 1 0 54.220885 -1.085852
YO62 5EJ 2 0 54.227479 -1.088341
YO62 5EL 2 0 54.214059 -1.094111
YO62 5EN 2 0 54.24717 -1.099018
YO62 5EP 4 1 54.272453 -1.080673
YO62 5EQ 4 0 54.225674 -1.051184
YO62 5ER 1 0 54.225656 -1.055361
YO62 5EW 1 1 54.251198 -1.113208
YO62 5EX 6 0 54.248192 -1.061583
YO62 5EY 22 1 54.247508 -1.057977
YO62 5EZ 20 1 54.247323 -1.057429
YO62 5HA 8 0 54.249005 -1.055698