all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 4AA 21 1 54.16482 -0.933109
YO62 4BF 5 0 54.164619 -0.931494
YO62 4AB 20 0 54.165484 -0.932758
YO62 4AD 7 0 54.165751 -0.933486
YO62 4AE 25 0 54.163648 -0.934551
YO62 4AF 8 1 54.162053 -0.934041
YO62 4AG 24 0 54.163007 -0.932178
YO62 4AH 8 0 54.165807 -0.931873
YO62 4BP 4 0 54.165737 -0.931109
YO62 4AJ 2 0 54.165361 -0.932252
YO62 4AL 28 3 54.167815 -0.932312
YO62 4AN 25 1 54.16819 -0.931785
YO62 4AP 10 1 54.164818 -0.929681
YO62 4AQ 9 0 54.164624 -0.931049
YO62 4AR 33 0 54.1641 -0.929761
YO62 4AS 1 0 54.166091 -0.964173
YO62 4AT 18 1 54.166913 -0.948115
YO62 4AU 7 0 54.166875 -0.914418
YO62 4AW 11 0 54.169263 -0.936322
YO62 4AX 2 0 54.180553 -0.908448