all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6LU 17 0 57.141319 -2.103157
AB11 6LW 11 1 57.141435 -2.103256
AB11 6LX 5 5 57.144143 -2.098785
AB11 6LZ 28 0 57.145392 -2.098144
AB11 6NA 1 0 57.144486 -2.096655
AB11 6NB 25 4 57.144907 -2.097779
AB11 6ND 8 1 57.145904 -2.097567
AB11 6NE 3 1 57.145411 -2.096343
AB11 6NF 2 2 57.145296 -2.096829
AB11 6NJ 1 1 57.144971 -2.096276
AB11 6NL 4 0 57.145715 -2.098707
AB11 6NP 1 1 57.143894 -2.106898
AB11 6NQ 22 0 57.145841 -2.098278
AB11 6NR 27 0 57.145679 -2.098723
AB11 6NU 20 2 57.14606 -2.097244
AB11 6NW 1 1 57.11134 -2.094009
AB11 6NY 17 7 57.145878 -2.099376
AB11 6NZ 28 0 57.145589 -2.099103
AB11 6PE 8 3 57.146046 -2.099567
AB11 6PH 60 5 57.14577 -2.097435