all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6HE 33 7 57.144033 -2.101545
AB11 6HG 1 1 57.143359 -2.101113
AB11 6HH 3 2 57.143018 -2.101691
AB11 6HJ 16 11 57.142649 -2.101987
AB11 6HL 51 2 57.142731 -2.100798
AB11 6HN 14 5 57.142425 -2.101359
AB11 6HP 25 5 57.14176 -2.101043
AB11 6HQ 21 3 57.141787 -2.101539
AB11 6HR 10 0 57.141213 -2.10081
AB11 6HS 13 2 57.141158 -2.101239
AB11 6HT 19 2 57.140746 -2.100544
AB11 6HU 6 5 57.144885 -2.102373
AB11 6HW 28 0 57.143547 -2.102634
AB11 6HX 15 1 57.140709 -2.10109
AB11 6HY 2 2 57.144888 -2.102017
AB11 6HZ 2 2 57.144645 -2.102446
AB11 6JA 33 3 57.139946 -2.100443
AB11 6JB 37 0 57.14 -2.100939
AB11 6JD 43 2 57.139461 -2.100987
AB11 6JE 19 1 57.142075 -2.100862