all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6JF 1 1 57.14215 -2.099762
AB11 6JG 10 0 57.141853 -2.10039
AB11 6JH 43 0 57.14151 -2.099638
AB11 6JJ 35 9 57.144931 -2.101779
AB11 6JL 21 7 57.144797 -2.101167
AB11 6JN 12 9 57.144276 -2.101066
AB11 6JR 41 0 57.1423 -2.100912
AB11 6JS 16 0 57.141027 -2.099941
AB11 6JU 1 1 57.145653 -2.097847
AB11 6JX 12 7 57.1379 -2.097596
AB11 6JY 12 0 57.140751 -2.104907
AB11 6JZ 23 1 57.140509 -2.104741
AB11 6LE 5 4 57.136347 -2.097278
AB11 6LJ 30 0 57.139579 -2.098757
AB11 6LL 38 0 57.139875 -2.0996
AB11 6LN 90 2 57.140819 -2.099008
AB11 6LP 3 0 57.140629 -2.101056
AB11 6LQ 33 2 57.14006 -2.104822
AB11 6LR 28 2 57.140726 -2.102544
AB11 6LS 32 4 57.141139 -2.103057