all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6ET 4 2 57.143466 -2.102469
AB11 6EU 2 0 57.142452 -2.103729
AB11 6EW 41 0 57.142432 -2.104118
AB11 6EY 22 0 57.141222 -2.111517
AB11 6EZ 5 0 57.143177 -2.104186
AB11 6FB 62 8 57.143895 -2.105329
AB11 6FD 2 2 57.143399 -2.0996
AB11 6FF 44 0 57.142074 -2.102498
AB11 6FG 36 0 57.142961 -2.104367
AB11 6FJ 25 0 57.141053 -2.108576
AB11 6FL 42 0 57.139536 -2.108175
AB11 6FN 41 0 57.141106 -2.109947
AB11 6FP 36 0 57.141069 -2.110955
AB11 6FR 12 0 57.140763 -2.111995
AB11 6FW 10 0 57.140871 -2.111797
AB11 6GN 1 1 57.144655 -2.098638
AB11 6GR 1 1 57.144422 -2.097695
AB11 6HA 29 8 57.144501 -2.103206
AB11 6HB 18 2 57.144651 -2.103877
AB11 6HD 29 4 57.143701 -2.10085