all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 5TP 24 0 57.115947 -2.117204
AB12 5TQ 16 0 57.115551 -2.117764
AB12 5TR 12 0 57.11654 -2.117255
AB12 5TS 12 0 57.116758 -2.117892
AB12 5TT 44 0 57.118462 -2.117674
AB12 5TX 11 2 57.121372 -2.11813
AB12 5UA 27 1 57.120292 -2.120438
AB12 5UB 6 0 57.120185 -2.119595
AB12 5UD 21 0 57.118997 -2.121342
AB12 5UJ 4 0 57.119583 -2.119825
AB12 5UL 27 0 57.120303 -2.11811
AB12 5UN 6 0 57.120473 -2.118721
AB12 5UP 21 0 57.118423 -2.120597
AB12 5UQ 33 0 57.118288 -2.12134
AB12 5UR 20 0 57.118406 -2.119904
AB12 5US 6 0 57.121886 -2.116199
AB12 5UT 5 0 57.118047 -2.119473
AB12 5XA 6 3 57.123538 -2.116716
AB12 5XB 5 0 57.123208 -2.114849
AB12 5XD 3 1 57.110818 -2.116957