all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 5LR 18 0 57.113372 -2.114372
AB12 5LS 8 0 57.112957 -2.115296
AB12 5LT 8 0 57.112706 -2.115378
AB12 5LX 12 0 57.112563 -2.114139
AB12 5NA 23 5 57.120827 -2.10409
AB12 5NB 29 0 57.119929 -2.104203
AB12 5ND 18 0 57.119192 -2.104565
AB12 5NJ 18 0 57.119245 -2.105704
AB12 5NL 14 1 57.119541 -2.10592
AB12 5NN 63 0 57.120692 -2.104718
AB12 5NP 4 0 57.121745 -2.105142
AB12 5NQ 30 0 57.122218 -2.106225
AB12 5NR 32 0 57.122568 -2.10682
AB12 5NS 30 0 57.121903 -2.106488
AB12 5NT 20 0 57.121331 -2.106544
AB12 5NX 30 0 57.121264 -2.108468
AB12 5PA 10 0 57.121667 -2.109245
AB12 5PB 20 0 57.120506 -2.111703
AB12 5PD 12 0 57.119808 -2.112435
AB12 5PF 55 0 57.121244 -2.110301