all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 3BB 21 0 57.465709 -1.79633
AB42 3BD 3 0 57.470806 -1.804304
AB42 3BE 8 0 57.464696 -1.786851
AB42 3BF 5 0 57.459905 -1.790162
AB42 3BG 15 0 57.467564 -1.7826
AB42 3BH 6 0 57.468272 -1.821639
AB42 3BJ 1 0 57.474664 -1.819707
AB42 3BL 1 0 57.51414 -1.806126
AB42 3BN 3 1 57.5243 -1.818628
AB42 3BP 6 0 57.529842 -1.831125
AB42 3BQ 1 0 57.530824 -1.833759
AB42 3BR 1 0 57.539113 -1.838866
AB42 3BS 4 0 57.539567 -1.835807
AB42 3BT 5 0 57.534289 -1.846068
AB42 3BU 3 1 57.540478 -1.861544
AB42 3BW 25 0 57.519609 -1.816915
AB42 3BX 3 0 57.548426 -1.877252
AB42 3BY 6 0 57.551736 -1.88212
AB42 3BZ 1 1 57.478137 -1.78834
AB42 3DA 2 0 57.555322 -1.855142