all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 3DB 42 0 57.557783 -1.849663
AB42 3DD 47 1 57.557708 -1.840455
AB42 3DE 9 0 57.51649 -1.834742
AB42 3DF 9 0 57.517636 -1.838927
AB42 3DG 19 0 57.558483 -1.849041
AB42 3DH 15 2 57.516806 -1.843404
AB42 3DJ 2 0 57.568511 -1.85743
AB42 3DL 8 0 57.571918 -1.863314
AB42 3DN 14 0 57.524112 -1.831569
AB42 3DP 8 0 57.522774 -1.838771
AB42 3DQ 6 1 57.512792 -1.837546
AB42 3DR 7 0 57.516815 -1.855544
AB42 3DS 16 0 57.525312 -1.836038
AB42 3DT 16 0 57.529271 -1.864391
AB42 3DU 4 0 57.524847 -1.852436
AB42 3DW 4 0 57.524684 -1.858898
AB42 3DY 21 4 57.520425 -1.874758
AB42 3DZ 17 0 57.55913 -1.84227
AB42 3EA 4 0 57.524537 -1.892476
AB42 3EB 6 3 57.514441 -1.882357