all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 4LQ 4 0 57.534609 -2.079817
AB42 4LR 8 0 57.544253 -2.050754
AB42 4LS 3 0 57.549189 -2.038547
AB42 4LT 3 0 57.555792 -2.033558
AB42 4LU 4 1 57.556994 -2.040878
AB42 4LW 10 0 57.517768 -2.039098
AB42 4LX 8 0 57.543114 -2.025832
AB42 4NA 17 0 57.519549 -2.129366
AB42 4NB 24 0 57.52012 -2.132691
AB42 4ND 13 1 57.519895 -2.133808
AB42 4PY 8 4 57.520776 -2.14079
AB42 4NE 15 0 57.520879 -2.129187
AB42 4NF 32 0 57.521862 -2.134099
AB42 4NG 6 1 57.520955 -2.133378
AB42 4NH 12 4 57.52167 -2.127905
AB42 4NJ 18 0 57.522097 -2.132381
AB42 4NL 30 1 57.523252 -2.126925
AB42 4NN 20 0 57.522093 -2.127672
AB42 4NP 6 1 57.52146 -2.131443
AB42 4NQ 25 0 57.520021 -2.124627