all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 4QL 11 0 57.534919 -2.173362
AB42 4QN 15 0 57.534151 -2.156324
AB42 4QP 4 0 57.549949 -2.150794
AB42 4QQ 5 1 57.568164 -2.144534
AB42 4QR 2 0 57.558427 -2.14679
AB42 4QS 4 0 57.560257 -2.153878
AB42 4QT 7 0 57.564278 -2.170192
AB42 4QU 2 0 57.570097 -2.167316
AB42 4QW 1 0 57.567436 -2.159759
AB42 4QX 5 0 57.559901 -2.171793
AB42 4QY 3 0 57.556978 -2.161518
AB42 4QZ 30 0 57.521398 -2.138872
AB42 4RA 4 1 57.555663 -2.149731
AB42 4RB 11 0 57.546672 -2.132854
AB42 4RD 12 0 57.537834 -2.132388
AB42 4RJ 2 0 57.542614 -2.147272
AB42 4RL 24 0 57.522511 -2.131748
AB42 4RN 5 0 57.5252 -2.13695
AB42 4RP 3 0 57.519253 -2.13184
AB42 4SU 9 0 57.518986 -1.949502