all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 4SX 12 0 57.522702 -2.129227
AB42 4SY 13 0 57.519263 -1.947666
AB42 4SZ 13 0 57.518773 -1.948388
AB42 4TA 23 0 57.517762 -1.944296
AB42 4TB 7 0 57.527891 -1.984794
AB42 4TD 4 0 57.517492 -1.943478
AB42 4TE 6 0 57.523276 -1.942601
AB42 4TF 7 0 57.518981 -2.131384
AB42 4TG 12 0 57.547585 -2.019867
AB42 4TH 4 0 57.514204 -1.942081
AB42 4TJ 19 0 57.517016 -1.942711
AB42 4TL 6 0 57.517763 -1.939509
AB42 4TN 13 1 57.51593 -1.937525
AB42 4TP 8 1 57.515155 -1.940026
AB42 4TQ 3 0 57.515806 -1.940864
AB42 4TR 3 0 57.516152 -1.938756
AB42 4TS 4 0 57.51721 -1.936684
AB42 4TT 9 0 57.515326 -1.940877
AB42 4TU 9 0 57.509196 -1.969414
AB42 4TW 1 0 57.500931 -1.980913