all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 4NR 2 0 57.544699 -2.043074
AB42 4NT 6 1 57.558777 -1.901684
AB42 4NU 4 0 57.553387 -1.890119
AB42 4NW 3 0 57.520958 -2.124517
AB42 4NX 5 0 57.548323 -1.888918
AB42 4NY 9 0 57.530002 -2.113239
AB42 4NZ 4 0 57.523859 -2.122085
AB42 4PA 6 0 57.524249 -2.165831
AB42 4PE 9 0 57.520864 -2.134546
AB42 4PL 4 0 57.534546 -2.093011
AB42 4PQ 4 0 57.521534 -2.123284
AB42 4PT 1 0 57.502268 -2.118509
AB42 4PZ 3 0 57.519353 -2.159031
AB42 4QA 4 0 57.526821 -2.163756
AB42 4QD 2 0 57.524253 -2.178058
AB42 4QE 6 0 57.545936 -2.163023
AB42 4QF 2 0 57.540775 -2.175767
AB42 4QG 2 0 57.568055 -2.123108
AB42 4QH 2 0 57.555014 -2.13822
AB42 4QJ 6 0 57.531762 -2.176286