all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0TA 24 0 57.229163 -2.354464
AB51 0TB 3 0 57.235538 -2.342631
AB51 0TD 16 0 57.234216 -2.339902
AB51 0TE 1 0 57.236655 -2.344563
AB51 0TF 50 0 57.232502 -2.355225
AB51 0TG 13 12 57.223695 -2.341748
AB51 0TH 22 16 57.224212 -2.345093
AB51 0TJ 26 0 57.239397 -2.350189
AB51 0TL 9 0 57.240103 -2.348538
AB51 0TN 1 0 57.235431 -2.33882
AB51 0TP 15 2 57.285652 -2.37148
AB51 0TQ 10 0 57.239163 -2.347221
AB51 0TR 6 0 57.284224 -2.371416
AB51 0TS 12 0 57.237233 -2.350019
AB51 0TT 24 0 57.235674 -2.348546
AB51 0TW 24 0 57.237972 -2.352279
AB51 0TX 26 0 57.240226 -2.352516
AB51 0TY 4 0 57.284746 -2.371222
AB51 0TZ 5 1 57.237168 -2.344286
AB51 0UA 7 4 57.237058 -2.344964