all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0LQ 18 0 57.293343 -2.288764
AB51 0LR 3 0 57.275826 -2.361944
AB51 0LS 11 2 57.26212 -2.356012
AB51 0LT 4 0 57.267636 -2.331704
AB51 0LU 5 1 57.27303 -2.348008
AB51 0LW 9 0 57.279476 -2.328129
AB51 0LX 11 1 57.277512 -2.328347
AB51 0LY 32 1 57.268956 -2.303678
AB51 0LZ 11 0 57.274644 -2.31734
AB51 0NA 9 0 57.264588 -2.293065
AB51 0NB 15 0 57.276827 -2.294953
AB51 0ND 3 0 57.285517 -2.371727
AB51 0NE 6 0 57.269697 -2.305491
AB51 0NF 26 0 57.344338 -2.419707
AB51 0NG 5 0 57.343484 -2.433205
AB51 0NH 6 0 57.337111 -2.313443
AB51 0NL 8 0 57.335303 -2.321717
AB51 0NN 1 0 57.337814 -2.319878
AB51 0NP 10 0 57.34451 -2.432652
AB51 0NR 5 0 57.344718 -2.429664