all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0NS 24 0 57.236777 -2.35245
AB51 0NT 5 3 57.336889 -2.331221
AB51 0NU 17 0 57.234671 -2.353772
AB51 0PD 14 0 57.336712 -2.314952
AB51 0PP 11 1 57.336867 -2.321299
AB51 0QA 11 0 57.232359 -2.34883
AB51 0QB 10 0 57.231918 -2.348975
AB51 0QD 10 0 57.232854 -2.348271
AB51 0QE 6 0 57.232796 -2.349877
AB51 0QF 9 0 57.229782 -2.348292
AB51 0SH 9 0 57.222938 -2.351142
AB51 0SR 12 0 57.229284 -2.352991
AB51 0SD 31 0 57.235378 -2.354805
AB51 0SA 59 0 57.236031 -2.355855
AB51 0SS 25 0 57.236367 -2.354566
AB51 0ST 20 0 57.237374 -2.354096
AB51 0SU 44 0 57.228706 -2.357193
AB51 0SX 34 0 57.228237 -2.348261
AB51 0SY 34 0 57.228654 -2.350153
AB51 0SZ 10 0 57.229042 -2.352591