all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0JP 2 0 57.318643 -2.358203
AB51 0JQ 10 0 57.316371 -2.347252
AB51 0JR 1 0 57.313686 -2.343574
AB51 0JS 17 1 57.315263 -2.324696
AB51 0JT 11 0 57.31067 -2.308189
AB51 0JU 3 0 57.31394 -2.285107
AB51 0JW 10 1 57.34055 -2.314021
AB51 0JX 5 0 57.309002 -2.299676
AB51 0JY 8 0 57.299905 -2.320246
AB51 0LA 1 0 57.290757 -2.36448
AB51 0LB 1 0 57.290719 -2.355886
AB51 0LD 27 1 57.281106 -2.353089
AB51 0LE 5 0 57.28906 -2.341818
AB51 0LF 12 0 57.267817 -2.302707
AB51 0LG 7 1 57.286124 -2.275486
AB51 0LH 7 0 57.292337 -2.272629
AB51 0LJ 10 0 57.28376 -2.328316
AB51 0LL 12 0 57.289544 -2.311313
AB51 0LN 13 0 57.284775 -2.295896
AB51 0LP 5 0 57.298015 -2.273903