all postcodes in AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District

AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 1JZ 1 1 57.147627 -2.099605
AB10 1LB 22 10 57.147572 -2.101356
AB10 1LP 1 1 57.148125 -2.09554
AB10 1NJ 17 4 57.145956 -2.103144
AB10 1NL 2 0 57.146617 -2.104444
AB10 1NN 14 3 57.147174 -2.105338
AB10 1NP 15 9 57.14749 -2.105792
AB10 1NW 1 1 57.142712 -2.122114
AB10 1PA 1 1 57.144324 -2.107858
AB10 1PD 1 1 57.143838 -2.109278
AB10 1PE 15 4 57.146637 -2.112707
AB10 1PF 8 0 57.147213 -2.112081
AB10 1PG 1 1 57.147394 -2.110528
AB10 1PN 1 1 57.145009 -2.115148
AB10 1PP 1 1 57.145249 -2.117859
AB10 1PS 1 1 57.14315 -2.114613
AB10 1PU 1 1 57.143998 -2.113384
AB10 1QA 1 1 57.145144 -2.11457
AB10 1QB 1 1 57.143886 -2.11559
AB10 1QD 14 4 57.14754 -2.107686