all postcodes in AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District

AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 1QE 28 3 57.147755 -2.108331
AB10 1QH 39 0 57.146432 -2.111087
AB10 1QJ 17 0 57.146443 -2.111689
AB10 1QL 19 0 57.146278 -2.112557
AB10 1QN 35 1 57.145837 -2.113845
AB10 1QQ 12 0 57.147042 -2.111584
AB10 1QR 1 1 57.146748 -2.098825
AB10 1QS 34 6 57.145197 -2.105712
AB10 1QT 12 6 57.145531 -2.103747
AB10 1QU 4 1 57.145729 -2.103665
AB10 1QW 1 1 57.143349 -2.113341
AB10 1QX 2 1 57.145615 -2.102978
AB10 1QZ 7 3 57.146852 -2.106517
AB10 1RA 8 0 57.147005 -2.105857
AB10 1RB 20 4 57.146404 -2.104946
AB10 1RD 13 10 57.14589 -2.104177
AB10 1RE 3 2 57.145586 -2.105522
AB10 1RG 1 1 57.142465 -2.117618
AB10 1RJ 20 10 57.14693 -2.106246
AB10 1RL 10 7 57.146987 -2.105923