all postcodes in AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District

AB / Aberdeen

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 1RN 8 2 57.147136 -2.107189
AB10 1RP 38 1 57.147297 -2.107751
AB10 1RQ 5 0 57.146712 -2.109419
AB10 1RR 13 1 57.146613 -2.109121
AB10 1RT 18 0 57.146567 -2.110525
AB10 1RU 1 1 57.142566 -2.115272
AB10 1RW 1 1 57.142412 -2.118452
AB10 1RX 31 2 57.146491 -2.107657
AB10 1RY 37 0 57.146032 -2.106541
AB10 1SA 3 2 57.144388 -2.109006
AB10 1SB 42 7 57.144996 -2.109513
AB10 1SD 8 1 57.144604 -2.109155
AB10 1SE 72 0 57.145506 -2.111662
AB10 1SH 7 7 57.145601 -2.106341
AB10 1SJ 7 2 57.145787 -2.109482
AB10 1SL 13 7 57.14508 -2.108809
AB10 1SN 49 5 57.145202 -2.109976
AB10 1SP 33 11 57.144241 -2.109709
AB10 1SQ 13 10 57.143972 -2.110071
AB10 1SR 3 0 57.144807 -2.110322