all postcodes in B21 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B21 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B21 0NP 0 52.502209 -1.946348
B21 0NQ 0 52.503853 -1.943532
B21 0NU 1 52.501869 -1.949383
B21 0PA 10 52.501527 -1.947763
B21 0PD 6 52.500896 -1.94445
B21 0PF 0 52.502172 -1.94377
B21 0PG 0 52.501732 -1.945421
B21 0PH 0 52.502487 -1.944993
B21 0PJ 0 52.502568 -1.945449
B21 0PL 1 52.501938 -1.943417
B21 0PN 0 52.502171 -1.941708
B21 0PP 0 52.501702 -1.943574
B21 0PU 0 52.502714 -1.948395
B21 0PX 0 52.503459 -1.946376
B21 0QD 0 52.502916 -1.939188
B21 0QE 0 52.502961 -1.939689
B21 0QG 1 52.503546 -1.940513
B21 0QH 0 52.503502 -1.941382
B21 0QJ 1 52.502521 -1.940941
B21 0QL 0 52.502999 -1.942856