all postcodes in B21 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B21 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B21 0QU 0 52.502474 -1.936669
B21 0QW 2 52.50326 -1.9429
B21 0QY 0 52.502835 -1.938333
B21 0RA 0 52.502889 -1.938657
B21 0RB 0 52.502187 -1.937863
B21 0RD 0 52.501432 -1.937776
B21 0RE 3 52.500539 -1.938213
B21 0RG 0 52.500362 -1.937674
B21 0RH 1 52.500615 -1.939928
B21 0RJ 0 52.5003 -1.939707
B21 0RL 0 52.501011 -1.939971
B21 0RN 0 52.500355 -1.941327
B21 0RS 0 52.501147 -1.942461
B21 0RW 0 52.500984 -1.941533
B21 0RY 1 52.502308 -1.93441
B21 0SA 2 52.501834 -1.933739
B21 0SB 0 52.501538 -1.933783
B21 0SD 0 52.501826 -1.935168
B21 0SE 0 52.501755 -1.9367
B21 0SF 0 52.501622 -1.940339