all postcodes in B21 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B21 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B21 0SG 0 52.502039 -1.934631
B21 0SH 0 52.502219 -1.935117
B21 0SJ 0 52.502078 -1.935609
B21 0SL 0 52.502052 -1.936729
B21 0SN 0 52.501963 -1.939602
B21 0SQ 0 52.502248 -1.934813
B21 0SU 1 52.501681 -1.93259
B21 0SX 8 52.500602 -1.932356
B21 0SY 1 52.499533 -1.934066
B21 0SZ 0 52.499209 -1.933875
B21 0TA 0 52.498923 -1.936085
B21 0TB 0 52.499166 -1.936468
B21 0TD 0 52.49983 -1.934198
B21 0TE 2 52.500764 -1.932886
B21 0TG 0 52.500881 -1.933534
B21 0TH 0 52.50001 -1.934979
B21 0TJ 0 52.499957 -1.936791
B21 0TL 0 52.500452 -1.936834
B21 0TN 0 52.500523 -1.936053
B21 0TP 0 52.500847 -1.935817