all postcodes in B21 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B21 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B21 0TQ 0 52.499454 -1.936497
B21 0TR 0 52.501116 -1.93564
B21 0TS 0 52.501151 -1.933592
B21 0TT 1 52.501321 -1.9329
B21 0TU 2 52.502104 -1.93309
B21 0TW 0 52.500343 -1.934978
B21 0UD 0 52.501743 -1.932045
B21 0UE 0 52.501977 -1.930836
B21 0UH 0 52.501626 -1.930351
B21 0UJ 0 52.501751 -1.929231
B21 0UL 0 52.501131 -1.92963
B21 0UN 0 52.50105 -1.9291
B21 0UP 0 52.50067 -1.931069
B21 0UQ 1 52.501077 -1.930337
B21 0UR 0 52.500394 -1.931075
B21 0US 0 52.500186 -1.927598
B21 0UT 0 52.499934 -1.927805
B21 0UU 0 52.499807 -1.925964
B21 0UX 1 52.500531 -1.924823
B21 0UY 0 52.501125 -1.925131