all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 5LS 27 2 52.434794 -1.974318
B29 5LT 17 0 52.434506 -1.975186
B29 5LU 20 0 52.434183 -1.975127
B29 5LX 11 1 52.433589 -1.973907
B29 5LY 16 0 52.433643 -1.974451
B29 5NA 27 0 52.432951 -1.973584
B29 5NB 12 0 52.433373 -1.972495
B29 5ND 7 0 52.432393 -1.971393
B29 5NE 21 0 52.431898 -1.971511
B29 5NG 3 0 52.432015 -1.97051
B29 5NH 4 0 52.433409 -1.971686
B29 5NJ 38 0 52.434119 -1.971715
B29 5NL 41 0 52.434874 -1.970376
B29 5NN 5 0 52.433876 -1.972436
B29 5NP 36 0 52.434973 -1.971832
B29 5NQ 4 0 52.432671 -1.970951
B29 5NR 13 0 52.435746 -1.970375
B29 5NS 16 0 52.43562 -1.969184
B29 5NT 28 0 52.435251 -1.968228
B29 5NU 5 0 52.434568 -1.968449