all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 5NX 16 0 52.434712 -1.969082
B29 5NY 7 0 52.433677 -1.967744
B29 5NZ 5 0 52.43348 -1.968127
B29 5PA 5 0 52.432958 -1.9672
B29 5PB 3 0 52.432751 -1.967627
B29 5PG 43 0 52.432691 -1.976864
B29 5PL 21 0 52.435927 -1.975641
B29 5PN 28 1 52.433958 -1.975701
B29 5PQ 13 0 52.43341 -1.976452
B29 5PT 53 14 52.437184 -1.968389
B29 5PU 18 0 52.437776 -1.96371
B29 5PX 15 0 52.437416 -1.963034
B29 5PY 16 0 52.437038 -1.963005
B29 5PZ 16 0 52.43676 -1.963991
B29 5QA 65 0 52.436374 -1.966551
B29 5QB 2 2 52.436129 -1.968457
B29 5QD 33 4 52.437633 -1.966947
B29 5QH 39 16 52.438047 -1.970977
B29 5QL 29 8 52.437454 -1.971316
B29 5QN 25 0 52.437823 -1.97436