all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 6LE 4 2 52.434891 -1.943473
B29 6FJ 24 0 52.435988 -1.942854
B29 6LF 1 1 52.435457 -1.942796
B29 6LG 7 2 52.433948 -1.945622
B29 6LH 1 1 52.433229 -1.945108
B29 6LJ 1 1 52.43118 -1.948111
B29 6LL 1 1 52.434237 -1.947813
B29 6LN 2 0 52.434144 -1.949087
B29 6LR 3 3 52.440227 -1.936302
B29 6LS 1 1 52.438501 -1.935466
B29 6LU 1 1 52.434442 -1.945209
B29 6LX 14 1 52.431478 -1.949817
B29 6NA 26 10 52.440091 -1.938827
B29 6NB 25 1 52.436563 -1.943751
B29 6ND 46 3 52.437435 -1.943749
B29 6NE 76 0 52.436528 -1.945266
B29 6NG 49 0 52.438965 -1.946895
B29 6NH 45 0 52.438787 -1.951221
B29 6NJ 12 0 52.438788 -1.952294
B29 6NL 36 0 52.439334 -1.946571