all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 6PT 4 0 52.443689 -1.957733
B29 6PU 37 4 52.44267 -1.956801
B29 6PW 15 0 52.439981 -1.947968
B29 6PX 31 0 52.441692 -1.954469
B29 6PY 31 0 52.442042 -1.951673
B29 6PZ 27 0 52.441387 -1.954439
B29 6QA 49 0 52.441951 -1.950849
B29 6QB 23 0 52.440604 -1.952395
B29 6QD 18 0 52.440694 -1.952984
B29 6QE 58 0 52.44028 -1.953617
B29 6QF 1 0 52.43402 -1.94471
B29 6QG 24 0 52.440261 -1.950733
B29 6QH 45 0 52.440818 -1.950233
B29 6QJ 62 0 52.44116 -1.950997
B29 6QL 12 6 52.439677 -1.951882
B29 6QN 8 0 52.439462 -1.952441
B29 6QP 31 0 52.439578 -1.950352
B29 6QR 17 0 52.440359 -1.948233
B29 6QS 4 0 52.439067 -1.952971
B29 6QU 5 2 52.436152 -1.948399