all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 6NN 15 0 52.439792 -1.947262
B29 6NP 32 0 52.439413 -1.94382
B29 6NQ 27 0 52.438595 -1.943174
B29 6NR 30 0 52.440474 -1.943319
B29 6NS 49 0 52.440079 -1.945217
B29 6NT 13 0 52.440079 -1.944129
B29 6NU 16 1 52.438955 -1.943762
B29 6NX 42 0 52.44033 -1.94276
B29 6NY 32 0 52.44122 -1.944274
B29 6PA 3 0 52.441832 -1.943862
B29 6PB 30 1 52.439732 -1.941755
B29 6PG 12 1 52.442541 -1.943022
B29 6PH 28 0 52.440466 -1.945261
B29 6PJ 36 0 52.440062 -1.946762
B29 6PL 22 0 52.440466 -1.945967
B29 6PN 16 0 52.440709 -1.946481
B29 6PP 32 1 52.439409 -1.954133
B29 6PQ 26 0 52.441544 -1.944965
B29 6PR 29 0 52.440767 -1.955676
B29 6PS 10 2 52.443159 -1.95763