all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 6SA 43 0 52.442385 -1.955336
B29 6SB 52 0 52.443067 -1.952864
B29 6SD 32 1 52.443364 -1.952937
B29 6SJ 14 14 52.441925 -1.938854
B29 6SN 5 3 52.442421 -1.942413
B29 6SP 1 1 52.44157 -1.941832
B29 6SS 33 2 52.444582 -1.943843
B29 6ST 34 0 52.444706 -1.945882
B29 6SU 35 0 52.44498 -1.948874
B29 6SX 60 0 52.445 -1.953126
B29 6SY 10 0 52.444794 -1.955628
B29 6TA 41 0 52.445469 -1.957775
B29 6TB 30 0 52.445146 -1.958128
B29 6TD 28 0 52.444723 -1.95754
B29 6TE 58 0 52.445333 -1.953185
B29 6TF 62 0 52.44507 -1.947359
B29 6TG 11 0 52.445407 -1.944734
B29 6TJ 1 1 52.438267 -1.935805
B29 6TL 1 1 52.442762 -1.941133
B29 6TP 25 0 52.440203 -1.941201