all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 6SZ 24 0 52.47997 -1.722436
B37 6TA 51 0 52.479239 -1.721337
B37 6TB 32 0 52.479579 -1.720672
B37 6TD 8 0 52.480724 -1.722049
B37 6TG 4 0 52.482829 -1.726615
B37 6TH 44 0 52.480224 -1.723613
B37 6TJ 7 0 52.481355 -1.722825
B37 6TL 42 0 52.480746 -1.723683
B37 6TN 25 0 52.481126 -1.724652
B37 6TP 35 0 52.481808 -1.724074
B37 6TR 22 0 52.482392 -1.724144
B37 6TS 33 0 52.481452 -1.725769
B37 6TT 52 0 52.482942 -1.724921
B37 6TU 48 0 52.482405 -1.725984
B37 6TX 12 0 52.482805 -1.727911
B37 6TY 52 0 52.483124 -1.725803
B37 6UA 4 0 52.483561 -1.725263
B37 6UB 24 0 52.484231 -1.72615
B37 6UD 10 0 52.483726 -1.72552
B37 6UE 22 0 52.483362 -1.727657