all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 6RR 9 0 52.480035 -1.727368
B37 6RT 44 0 52.481881 -1.728594
B37 6RU 44 0 52.482277 -1.728798
B37 6RX 15 1 52.482813 -1.72716
B37 6RY 34 0 52.481994 -1.726959
B37 6RZ 15 0 52.480895 -1.725979
B37 6SA 9 0 52.480236 -1.724908
B37 6SB 4 0 52.479273 -1.724281
B37 6SD 8 1 52.479407 -1.723868
B37 6SE 28 0 52.478431 -1.721798
B37 6SG 4 0 52.478145 -1.722315
B37 6SH 43 0 52.478816 -1.724858
B37 6SJ 15 0 52.477728 -1.724821
B37 6SL 10 0 52.477052 -1.723927
B37 6SN 15 0 52.477646 -1.724394
B37 6SP 42 0 52.477886 -1.723303
B37 6SQ 34 0 52.478606 -1.723549
B37 6SR 18 0 52.47782 -1.722023
B37 6SS 5 0 52.478339 -1.720665
B37 6SY 45 0 52.479269 -1.722691