all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 6QJ 0 52.488823 -1.741599
B37 6QN 0 52.487341 -1.737868
B37 6QQ 10 52.488946 -1.740214
B37 6QR 0 52.489649 -1.736838
B37 6QS 0 52.486942 -1.736235
B37 6QT 0 52.489127 -1.73637
B37 6QU 4 52.487065 -1.735174
B37 6QX 0 52.487893 -1.735641
B37 6QY 0 52.487309 -1.735747
B37 6QZ 1 52.488363 -1.73658
B37 6RA 0 52.490393 -1.74
B37 6RB 0 52.490997 -1.736727
B37 6RD 1 52.490206 -1.738123
B37 6RE 2 52.488994 -1.73866
B37 6RF 6 52.489898 -1.739472
B37 6RH 0 52.483862 -1.730143
B37 6RJ 0 52.483106 -1.729617
B37 6RL 0 52.48187 -1.72774
B37 6RN 1 52.480681 -1.726658
B37 6RP 0 52.48018 -1.727618