all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 6NU 0 52.48751 -1.746621
B37 6NX 0 52.484918 -1.752681
B37 6NY 0 52.484066 -1.753555
B37 6PA 0 52.484017 -1.755587
B37 6PB 2 52.482865 -1.759628
B37 6PD 0 52.48426 -1.760298
B37 6PH 0 52.488215 -1.74284
B37 6PJ 0 52.488215 -1.74284
B37 6PL 0 52.487719 -1.742342
B37 6PN 0 52.487719 -1.742342
B37 6PP 0 52.486512 -1.74098
B37 6PR 1 52.486607 -1.739227
B37 6PS 0 52.48576 -1.738687
B37 6PT 0 52.48576 -1.738687
B37 6PU 0 52.486064 -1.737713
B37 6PX 0 52.486064 -1.737713
B37 6QD 0 52.487901 -1.738925
B37 6QE 1 52.487374 -1.740562
B37 6QG 0 52.487833 -1.740943
B37 6QH 0 52.488464 -1.741867